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Take Charge

There is a difference between helping and restoring. Different organisations offers much needed help. Even people really makes a difference in helping others. The time is here to restore to original intent so they can help themselves..

The Take Charge program reach learners through the medium of stories and games are familiar to them and comprehended more easily by them. Children naturally respond to above medium and can successfully integrate it to all areas pertaining their lives

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Life Skills
life skill

Life Skill

Take Charge, Life Skill Program is presented in group format and is mainly focused on the development of the individual by means of interactive exercises that empowers them on their level to become the best they can be by supplying them with functional tools. Knowledge and understanding as such can be applied to different walks of lives.


These Life Skill Sessions have a dual purpose whereby the Learners and the Educators can benefit from.

It is a tool that can be used by the SBST of the school to assist with the SIAS Policy to Screen, Identify and Support learners with Social Barriers to learning.

Secondly for the learners to be equipped to overcome their challenging circumstances


We all have a story. You are not different because you have a story.  It is only the story that is different. Everybody has a past. Regardless if you are black or white, blonde or brunette, boy or girl, fat, thin, tall, short, what language you speak or don’t speak or your nationality. It doesn’t matter what side of the tracks you live on, if you live in a mansion or in a shack, if your parents drive a B M W or a Volkswagen Beetle, if you wear branded clothing or  hand me downs, the bottom line is that you are who you are; lock, stock and barrel


We all have secrets, like: you might have a secret affection for someone or a secret hiding place for your pocket money or diary, maybe even a secret place to be alone. Not all secrets are good secrets though.


Some secrets affect our lives and destroy our families, because they are not good secrets and we would rather hide them away than deal with them.


Some of the secrets that drastically affect our lives are substance abuse like heroin, cocaine, lsd, dagga, tik, ecstasy, alcohol, mandrax or inhalants to name a few.


Other secrets are cutting, bulimia and sexual relationships. These secrets will destroy your family, your livelihood, your reputation, your economic security and ultimately your life and the lives of the ones whom you love and who love you.




Most parents do their best to teach there children all they can about life.  From good manners to personal hygiene. Unfortunately our children at times get challenged with situations which we not always can prepare them for. Such as the death of a family member or trauma, disappointments and temptations.  



We so much want to be accepted. Every challenge face in life good or bad; delivers a message. You are not good enough; you’re ugly; you are stupid. What make it worse is that we are not perfect ourselves, and that makes the wound bigger. To protect ourselves from being hurt, we make a vow to ourselves: I’ll never trust and allow love to touch me again; it causes us to act in a rebellious way.



In a family or household we all have significantly different roles to play. Adults have been through life and all have made mistakes. They have learned from their mistakes which happened naturally. As parents their purpose is to teach their children not to make the same mistakes they made and to save them suffering the same consequences that they suffered as children. Although the results from those mistakes, hurts and failures they, as adults, may be broken people and because of that they are not perfect. We as children can learn from their mistakes.



Every day we have to make choices. From getting up in the morning, deciding what to eat, what to wear. All these choices affect us. Then there are other choices like doing what is right or wrong, doing what is required or disappointing people. All these choices effect our relationships. The choices that affect us most are the choices we have to make in a difficult situation. Are we going to do what is right or what feels right. Sometimes to do what feel right is not always the correct choice, because our emotion can often cloud our judgement and that can lead us into difficulties or problems. After all it is your choices that affect your future.



We can Learn. We can Study. But if we do not know how to apply what we have learned then we only managed to acquire knowledge. 

intervention z


The main purpose of this program is to help the youth in schools that have been affected by certain adversities by means of seeing them on one-on-one basis in where we present them with Life Coaching. This takes place on weekly basis, once a week.

The AC2C Intervention Program caters for identified learners at risk

Behavior that influence their marks and/or disrupt classes

Actions that cause a barrier to their opportunity to education (SIAS)

Social Barriers

Progressed learners that need to be screened for barriers and support


The success of any program or change is primarily dependent on the desire to change. The root of the desire must be embedded in the realization that the current road can only lead to self-destruction. The desire must not stem from fear, the need for acceptance or any other physical need.
The second ingredient for success is the participation and commitment of all the relevant role players in the child’s life, including the school and family
Lasting change needs to take place and it can only be effective when everyone works towards the same goal
The third ingredient is relationship. A child will not change out of fear or because he/she is told to change. The program is relationship based restoring relationship to self, family and authorities) and out of that, desire to change is established

Designed to impact

Behavioral change
(responsibility versus accountability)
Emotional change
(thinking patterns, memories and traumas)
Empowerment to manage negative emotions.
Relationship change
(healthy relationship within the family, positive attitude towards authority)


Substance abuse 
Gender Based Violence
Family violence

The Take Charge Intervention Program consists of the following process:

The purpose of the assessment is to identify the learner’s needs The following information (where applicable) will be included in the assessment.
The seriousness of the offense
The learners discipline history/D- Merritt System
Academic performance
Co-operation from the child and family
Family circumstance
Governing Body Hearing Findings

The purpose of the induction is to give feedback on the assessment.
It informs the learner, parents and school of the details of the program.
The expected responsibilities
Accountability of all parties involved

The leaner will attend his/her sessions at the relevant school/AC2C Centre once a week for the duration of the program. The duration of the program is three months (twelve sessions) where after the learner will be re-evaluated for further/extended intervention. Should the learner’s scheduled session fall on a public holiday alternative arrangements will be made with the school/parents to keep the flow of the program.

Program Content
The sessions will be focusing on topics and examples that children from South African can relate to.
It enhances the learning experience by engaging as many senses as possible (pictures and association, right brain etc.)
Presented in an understandable language.
The team working with the children is multi-racial.
The learner will be able to associate with the facilitator

Healthy constructive feedback, form an important role in the success of any program.
Feedback will be given to parents and schools, weekly, monthly and quarterly.
Parents will be contacted regularly to highlight progression and to identify needs.
Through this interaction healthy relationships are also formed with the parents to empower them to make a success of the recovery program of their child.

diversion 1

Diversion Program

This program is formulated for children at risk, children who portrays destructive, harmful, unwholesome and toxic behaviour. Change and restoration forms the basis of this program. If not identified and addressed this behaviour can lead to devastating effects on these individuals families/peers/societies and communities.


Children at risk feel ‘powerless’, this is the main reason why they use their dysfunctional behavior; for them to feel ‘powerful’. But in truth the more they behave in such a way the more powerless they become..

Education is the last ‘wall’ that start breaking in a child a risks life when they go through life’s challenges. Some children will cope very well and the books become their place of safety where they can escape to or even discover their identity. Those who find their identity in disruptive/destructive behaviour totally fail to keep up the pace in terms of development and they lose very important building blocks that is vital for them to grow academically. This is often a cause of frustration for teachers and their parents, increasing the circle of further abuse or rejection.

Trauma, substance etc. have great effect on the brain; chemically it affects areas such as motor skills, memory and reasoning. The following programs will be presented to them to overcome these challenges.

Cognitive Behavior

CBT in which negative patterns of thought about the self and the world are challenged in order to alter unwanted behavior patterns or treat various disorders. The emphasis of the CBT is the following areas:
The impact of their choices on their environment and their future
Impactful moments that effects their view of self and others.
learners relationship in the family
Learner’s relationship towards authority figures
Which and how to change wrong thought patterns


Passing marks does not only depend on writing of exams, but on assignments and profiles that need to be completed throughout the year. We assist the learners (with guidelines from their teachers) to get all their school work up to date. With the catch-up; channels of communication between the learner and teacher also get restored. We introduce the learner with study methods that will improve their confidence as well as chances of success in their studies.


Many of the children we work with does have gaps in their education due to different reasons and some of them also lack certain skills that has suffered a draw back due to the use of substances as well as missing blocks in their forming years. Through these exercises they get the chance to awaken/revive these parts of their brain capacity.
We focus on their visual memory patterns, spelling formulations, and mathematical senses. It has great effect on their self-confidence and enables them to help themselves at the end of the day,


The statement: “If you can’t read, you cannot learn” rings so true, especially when it comes to many of our learners at school that sit with the reading capacity of a few years younger then where they actually find themselves. This can be extremely discouraging to them in class and in study, that causes them feel incapable and lower their self-esteem even more. This we have found is one of the main causes of bunking classes and increasing the need to ease of ‘stress’


Art therapy provides creative, healthy ways to help youth decrease anxiety and worry, soothe, and regulate emotions and behavior; Art therapy can help strengthen a child's sense of self, self-esteem and overall awareness and discovery about identity and worth. In this we use art as a medium and tool to improve their focus and relaxation as well as to assist in restoration of thinking patterns.

Empowerment Camp

Empowerment program

The Youth Empowerment Camp consists of team building, leadership development. The youth receive vital coaching and important life and coping skills that will benefit them now and for the rest of their lives. The camps involve aspects that are fun and educational all at the same time. Duration of these camps takes place over a 3 day period.

Young Adult Gap
bridging the gap

Young Adult Gap

We need people to train people; this is why we give individuals, those who desire to make a change in their own lives as well as in their own communities this opportunity. This training gives them the opportunity to be trained and equipped to help others. The duration of the program takes place between 3 to 6 months or even up to a year.


If you have a passion for children/youth, seeing the captives set free, bringing an end to violence/depression/suicide/family violence/substance abuse and for loving and living like Jesus, this is the short-term mission trip for you!

We invite you to step out and be challenged, stretched and grow in Jesus as you serve the King of kings in this beautiful ministry.

We live and walk by faith as laid-down lovers of Christ and are truly honored to bring life and love to the kids in this city on a daily basis with our various programs.

We get to pour out the love of Jesus on these beautiful children of our nation and lean further into Him in the process.

founder w

Wilna Dekenah

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Dear Friend
AC2C have a history of 20 years working among the destitute, drug addicts, helping children, young adults and their families to successfully overcome the adverse circumstances they might find themselves in and to re-introduce them into society as grounded, whole people, who can be an asset to those around them.
To summarize we have experienced and seen how God changed so many lives. Restoring, and bringing joy, turning sad stories into success and beautiful testimonies of His goodness. Yet as a ministry/team/individual, daily being challenged by the destruction of wickedness that is in this world. Wickedness that bring destruction to families and destroy the beauty in children and our youth.
The sad part is that the media and Entertainment World is also entertaining and glorifying the same wickedness, where talents that is given by God to individuals is used to entertain people in the same wickedness. If you listen to the message in most of today’s music and the theme in most movies.
From Monday to Sunday, 7 days a week, wickedness is being glorified and portrayed as acceptable by media and the entertainment world. Training/programming our children/families/society to accept wickedness as the norm and living according to the new cultures that becomes acceptable because that is what is in the movies.
This play a big role with other factors (poverty, politics, etc) that result in increasing in substance abuse, physical violence against woman and children, abortion, divorce, robbery, assault and
In Genesis 6:5 to 9 is the story of Noah and the ark, where God flooded the earth because of the way man was living. I am so glad that God placed a rainbow in the clouds to remind Him of the covenant (Genesis 9:11-13) that He will never flood the world again because of man.
In fact we should turn the table around. Every time we see a rainbow it show that God hates violence and wickedness and in spite of our ways that He loves us so much. The rainbow should remind us of how much he loves us and that He is not a man that he could lie. He sent His Son to redeem us from our ways. Yet with all the love and grace our Father gives us every day we as man continue in our wicked ways.
Matt 6:10; Jesus Model Prayer: “As it is in heaven let it be on earth.” John 10:10 Jesus came that we may have life, life in abundance, Satan cam to steel, kill and destroy.” Ps 139: Talks about God knitting us in our mother’s womb and how He was dreaming of what we can become etc
In a country where Christianity is accepted and part of values, with 3 to 6 churches in a suburb it is disturbing to see how much wickedness, destruction, family abuse is on the increase
In August 1998 I found my “pot of gold” under the rainbow. I experienced heaven on earth. I discovered that all my childhood memories that guided/pushed/lead me down the path of wickedness was not God’s plan. The abuse, the violence, lies, pain I went through as a child, teenager and young adult came to steel kill and destroy which was not God’s intend in Ps 139 and Isaiah 19:11.
Since then I made it my foundation of all my decisions, lifestyle etc to bring heaven to earth in as many children, young adults and families lives. By sharing the Good news of the Kingdom, restoring and equipping.
That is what AC2C is about. Everybody at a time in there live needs a chance to change. A chance at a new beginning
Over the 20 years that our ministry operated there were many happy endings. There is nothing more precious than a child’s laughter, more beautiful than a smile that lights up the world. The biggest reward.
What cost can you put to that? A pot of Gold?
The AC2C team consist of member that realizes the value of a child, peace and joy in life. Because of this value we have for children and families entrusted to us, we need to prepare our team to give/serve/perform on the highest standard that is entrusted to us Irreplaceable value.
Our members is handpicked. Trained, prepared and schooled with skills, knowledge and experience that cannot be achieved with a crash course or degree. Our members paid the price. They won the battle. They found the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow.
They can find the gold in children and release it into the children’s future.
The very unique program we offer, with the success it has achieved up to know and the value of our children/youth and families we cannot afford to settle for less.
That is why we have an extensive and thorough process in our selection, training and equipping of our team.
We looking forward to build relationship with you in your journey of equipping with mutual trust in a culture of honor.
Kind regards



The workbook focusses on topics and examples that children from South Africa can relate to. It enhances the learning experience by engaging as many senses as possible (pictures and association, right brain)
• Presented in an understandable language.
• We have a multi-racial team working with the children.
• The program is implemented at school.
• Regular feedback on the learner’s progress to the school and parents
• Assistance is given in Governing Body hearings (providing the full picture).



The Program is cost effective in that it is:
• subsidized for the underprivileged children.
• affordable payment plans for working parents.
• highly competitive rates compared to other programs.
• discounted rates for schools



The program was first implemented in 2009 and has been very successful. Program has been developed specifically for our South African Schools; considering diverse cultures and religions.
The Intervention Program Sessions have been formulated to meet the requirements stipulated in the AA 12 STEP PROGRAM (As per the National Drug Act standards, all rehabilitation programs need to do the 12 Step program as a minimum requirement)

our tools

Childrens best learning is through playing games and relating to stories. Children shape their future by following their role model

Wall Puzzle
tools 3
team work
team work
team work
team work
